Award 2016 Authentication in Art
The first AiA award of $10,000 Euro for the development of new research methods, tools, software, and methodologies focused on the authentication of paintings was sponsored by Artory LLC, Scientific Analysis of Fine Art, LLC; and Bruker Corporation. Artory, SAFA, and Bruker sponsored the award because of their dedication to bringing transparency to the art market and to pushing the boundaries of the research being conducted in the field of art authentication. The award was presented by Artory CEO and Co-Founder Nanne Dekking, Scientific Analysis of Fine Art President Dr. Jennifer Mass, and Bennett Hong, Principal of Echelon International. Numerous excellent contributions were made for projects designed to push forward the science of painting authentication, and to promote the education of the skills needed for this activity. The winning team of scholars and students developed a novel technique for the microscale radiocarbon dating of paintings. The group, led by Esther Ferreira, has developed a less invasive and highly sensitive method of radiocarbon dating. New innovations in this technique are rare and badly needed, and their methodology called for only 200 micrograms of canvas (reduced from a previous requisite sample size of 10 to 20 milligrams). The increased sensitivity of this technique is revealing dilution of carbon 14 in the atmosphere as a result of increased burning of petrochemical fuels, and this dilution means that in a matter of decades nineteenth century paintings may no longer be accessible to us for radiocarbon dating because the errors involved will be too high. The research was conducted by Laura Hendricks, Irka Hajdas, Markus Küffner, Cameron McIntyre, Nadim C. Scherrer, and Ester S. B. Ferreira, who represent the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics ETH Zurich, the Swiss Institute for Art Research Zurich, The Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center Glasgow, The Bern University of Applied Science, and the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences
The AiA Award 2016 is made possible by:
The main goal of the AiA has from the very beginning been to stimulate dialogue on the authenticity of paintings in all its different aspects. To realise the goals of AiA several initiatives are set up, launched and implemented in the art field. To positively support more initiatives concerning authentication aspects AiA will launch the ‘Authentication in Art Award 2016’. The AiA Foundation will award promising new research, new analytical tools and/or methodologies. It is based on gifts from Artory New York/Berlin, Bruker Corporation headquartered in the United States and Scientific Analysis of Fine Art headquartered in Philadelphia USA, who have made a sum of € 10.000, – available for the AiA Award 2016. This sum can be fully awarded to one project or be divided over several projects. Beside the monetary grant, AiA will provide specialised support from their network to award-winning application(s). The decision of which project(s) will receive the award will be made by the AiA Award Committee, which will consist of several international and independent experts from the fields of art history, law, sciences, education and/or the art market
The AiA Award
- The AiA Award is a maximum amount of € 10.000,-
- Specialised support from the Authentication in Art Foundation network
Eligibility and Terms
- Applicants must attend the Authentication in Art Congress, 11-12-13 May 2016
- New research methods, new tools, new software and/or methodologies are all addressed as ‘projects’
- The applications must focus on the authenticity of paintings, and can be based on education, technical art history, e-related commodities, art history and/or a combination of those fields
- The research has to be original or must be an elaboration on previous research
- The end-product of the project must be made available to the Authentication in Art Foundation for public-disclosure through their website
- Applications are required to submit a poster presentation of their research. A poster presentation is a condensed version of the submitter’s research on an A0 poster. The posters will be put on display at a prominent location of the Congress-Venue
- The Award committee has the right to divide the Award over several projects
- Communication with the Award Committee, as well as protest against their decision is precluded
- AiA Foundation members and Congress-Organizers are excluded from participation
Application Availability and Deadline
- The deadline for the project application is 30 April 2016 (application is closed)
- Applicants are notified of the AiA Award Committee’s decision on Thursday 12 May
Points of focus of the AiA Award Committee
- The project has to be fully transparent
- The project has to be based on factual evidence and the checks and double checks of this evidence
- The project has to be innovative
- The project has to have a clear protocol
- The project should have an academic level and focus on the art market needs